Regular Memberships
All Full Memberships include voting rights (Family has one vote)
Beginning 6/20/2023, an applicant submitting an application for a "Regular Membership" type is subject to pay Lincoln Country Club (LCC) a $1000 Initiation Fee as part their initial monthly billing statement upon membership acceptance by the LCC Board of Governors.
Individual "A" Unrestricted Golf Dues (Annual/Monthly) $3,102/$258 Annual Pro Shop Assessment
(Credit Pro Shop spending)$62 Annual Pro Shop Mill River Discount Plan
(all proshop prices are 10% above cost)$100 Annual Equipment Assessment $217 Monthly Restaurant Spend (April through October) $78 Individual "B" Restricted Golf on weekends & holidays (after 12:30PM) Dues (Annual/Monthly) $2,668/$222 Annual Pro Shop Assessment
(Credit Pro Shop spending)$53 Annual Pro Shop Mill River Discount Plan
(all proshop prices are 10% above cost)$100 Annual Equipment Assessment $187 Monthly Restaurant Spend (April through October) $67 Family One Individual "A" - Unrestricted Golf One Individual "B" Restricted Golf on weekends & holidays (after 12:30PM) Children 16-21 Restricted Golf on weekends & holidays (after 4PM) Dues (Annual/Monthly) $4,528/$377 Annual Pro Shop Assessment
(Credit Pro Shop spending)$91 Annual Pro Shop Mill River Discount Plan
(all proshop prices are 10% above cost)$150 Annual Equipment Assessment $317 Monthly Restaurant Spend (April through October) $113 Executive (age 30-39) Unrestricted Golf Dues (Annual/Monthly) $2,636/$220 Annual Pro Shop Assessment
(Credit Pro Shop spending)$53 Annual Pro Shop Mill River Discount Plan
(all proshop prices are 10% above cost)$100 Annual Equipment Assessment $187 Monthly Restaurant Spend (April through October) $67 Jr. Executive (age 21-29) Unrestricted Golf Dues (Annual/Monthly) $2,171/$181 Annual Pro Shop Assessment
(Credit Pro Shop spending)$43 Annual Pro Shop Mill River Discount Plan
(all proshop prices are 10% above cost)$100 Annual Equipment Assessment $152 Monthly Restaurant Spend $54 -
Senior Memberships
Application for Senior membership is restricted to existing LCC members. All senior memberships include voting rights (Senior Family has one vote). Other restrictions apply (see Bylaws).
Senior (age 65+) Restricted Golf on weekends & holidays (after 3:00PM) Dues (Annual/Monthly) $2,388/$199 Annual Pro Shop Assessment
(Credit Pro Shop spending)$48 Annual Pro Shop Mill River Discount Plan
(all proshop prices are 10% above cost)$100 Annual Equipment Assessment $167 Monthly Restaurant Spend (April through October) $60 Senior Family Restricted Golf on weekends & holidays (after 3:00PM) Dues (Annual/Monthly) $2,823/$235 Annual Pro Shop Assessment
(Credit Pro Shop spending)$56 Annual Pro Shop Mill River Discount Plan
(all proshop prices are 10% above cost)$100 Annual Equipment Assessment $198 Monthly Restaurant Spend (April through October) $71 -
Membership Programs
Membership Programs do not have voting rights.
Junior (age 12-18)
College Student (<23)Restricted Golf on weekends & holidays (after 4:00PM) Dues (Annual) $620 Annual Pro Shop Assessment
(Credit Pro Shop spending)$0 Annual Equipment Assessment $0 Monthly Restaurant Spend $0 Social OPTION A - Limited Golf (4 rounds per month) Can play four (4) rounds per month during the playing season. One (1) round each month can be played on the weekend after 3:00pm. One (1) of the (4) rounds each month is at no charge and the other three (3) require payment of the applicable greens fee. A “round” is defined as any time the Social member is on the golf course playing, up to a maximum of eighteen (18) holes in one (1) day. OPTION B - Limited Golf (8 rounds per month) Must be a current member in good standing for twenty-five (25) consecutive years and must have reached seventy (70). Can play eight (8) rounds of no more than nine (9) holes per month during the playing season. Two (2) rounds each month can be played on the weekend after 3:00pm. Four (4) of the (8) rounds each month are at no charge and the other four (4) require payment of the applicable greens fee. A "round" is defined as any time the Social member is on the golf course playing, up to a maximum of nine (9) holes in one (1) day. Dues (Annual) $993 Annual Pro Shop Assessment
(Credit Pro Shop spending)$0 Annual Equipment Assessment $0 Monthly Restaurant Spend $0
Complete your LCC Membership Application
Please review these important documents
LCC By Laws LCC Course Rules